By Tricia Allenson

Let’s get one thing straight. Social media is not child’s play.  It is not silly.  It is not a passing trend. On the contrary, it is at minimum, an unbelievably cost-effective way to promote your business.  When used to its full potential, social media delivers much more than an impressive ROI.  Social media creates connections, converts passive into active customers, and offers you the opportunity to reach an audience beyond your wildest dreams.

However, we’d be lying if we didn’t admit that there is a catch.  Fortunately, that “catch” is only that you need to know how to use social media effectively in order to reap your desired results.  Here’s a look at best practices for using social media to put your business in the spotlight.

1.     Put More Than Just a Passing Thought into Your Posts

Quality content, even if posted less frequently, will prove to make a bigger impression, than a barrage of (how do we put this gently?)… boring posts.   Your posts should contain helpful information, along with being presented in an aesthetically pleasing manner.  Use a little imagination when adding graphics, holiday announcements or photos to compliment your useful, call-to-action content (such as clicking back to your website).

2.     Plan on Engaging with Your Audience

It isn’t called social media because you’re supposed to post items and call it a day.  The very nature of social media is to engage with your audience.  Respond to questions and comments.  Ask questions in return.  Comment on others’ photos, posts, announcements.  The key to being successful through social media actually does require social engagement with others.

3.     Integrate Your Posts with Other Marketing Initiatives

Social media marketing is not meant to be a stand-alone marketing effort.  Use it to compliment your other efforts, such as your email marketing efforts.  Use it to promote your newest blog. Use it to invite your audience to sign up for your eNewsletter.  Use it in conjunction with targeted ads.  Remember, social media is social—it’s collaborative and inclusive and engaging by its very nature— just the way the marketing of your business should be!

Look, even though we’ve made social media marketing seem like a snap, which anyone can do — the reality is, becoming a savvy social media marketer takes time.  Fortunately, we’re here to help fast-track you to the spotlight, by helping you plan, create, develop, and implement a social media strategy that will take you from wall flower to most likely to succeed in no time at all.

How Do I Get Started Becoming a Savvy Social Media Marketer? Pick up the phone and call us at 952-212-7598, or fill out this absurdly simple form, and we’ll get back to you in a jiffy.