It Takes Two to Tango: Why Blaming Your Marketing Agency Might Be Missing the Beat

About the Author: Tricia Allenson

When it comes to the delicate dance between business and marketing, every step matters. Due to the intricate moves of digital marketing, you may find it easy to point the finger at the agency when the rhythm feels off. If you feel like this is you right now, hold on! Your leads aren’t converting quickly enough, but let’s take a moment to explore why that might be. It takes two to tango, and when the business owner and marketing team are stepping in unison, that’s when the magic truly happens. 

The Tango of Expectations

Unlike other dance styles, such as ballet, it really does take two to tango. When it comes to marketing, there is an expectation of a partnership between the business owner and the agency. If the two parties are not in alignment, they will be stepping on each others’ feet and looking like a mess on the dance floor. Communicating expectations is the first step in this type of tango. If expectations are unclear from the get-go, the dance becomes chaotic and confusing – leading to the blame game. So, be sure that both parties are dancing to the same beat. 

The Swing of Strategy

In the online realm of marketing, it’s exciting to think about strategy as the choreography – guiding every move. A good marketing agency will craft a dazzling routine, and your job as the business owner is to fall into the swing of it. Swaying away from the choreography makes the dance awkward. This is where trust comes into play. Your ability to trust in the agency’ expertise is vital to the success of the marketing strategy. Remember, the tango is not a solo performance; it’s a partnership. 

The Improv of Adaptability

Both business and marketing are ever-evolving landscapes that require adaptability. For example, if a new competitor joins the dance floor, both you and the agency need to be ready to improvise. This can take the form of a twist or spin. However, instead of blaming the agency for this unexpected turn, embrace the swift yet graceful change. Sometimes the most memorable performances are those that are born out of the unexpected. 

The Ballet of Budgeting

Now, all this time you’ve been dancing, there is a crucial element that has been playing in the background – finances. Budgeting requires a harmonious relationship between you and the agency. A business owner who expects a Black Swan ballet performance on a line dancing budget is going to be disappointed. It is important to practice open communication regarding budget restrictions and realistic expectations. Doing so will ensure that the collaboration is cost-efficient and enjoyable. 

The Waltz of Patience

One of the most graceful types of dance is the waltz. Known for its elegance, this style of dance requires smooth movements and lots of patience. The same can be said for the relationship between you and your chosen marketing agency. Results will not be immediate. Blaming the agency for a lack of overnight success is like expecting to win first place on Dancing with the Stars after only one dance lesson. It’s important to give marketing strategies time to unfold. Trust the process!

Wrapping Up

Learning to tango takes time. When the dance floor becomes chaotic, it’s best to avoid pointing the finger or placing blame. Instead, recalibrate and get back into the groove. Embrace partnership with your agency, practice open communication, and be flexible when the rhythm suddenly changes. 

Are you ready to put on your dancing shoes? Get in touch with our team of experts today to learn how Limelight Marketing Systems can help you reach your business goals.